Saturday, March 8, 2014

Sales, Sales, Sales....

Hello all.... it's Daniel here.... Rose left her computer open, so I'm taking a minute to say "hello" from me! And so I thought I'd take a second to share something about one of the activities that has been filling up our last couple of weekends: NCT Nearly New Sales!

The Nearly New Sale is like a Black Friday sale for baby swag. The NCT, or National Childbirth Trust, is a charity (that we're members of) offering information and support during pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood. We're currently attending their ante-natal classes - which are very well taught. One of their initiatives is the "Nearly New Sale" that allows parents/to-be to shop for second hand, but barely if-at-all used, equipment and clothes at quite excellent prices. The sales are also a fundraising opportunity for the charity; who take a cut of the sales while the parents/sellers keep the lion share. For the last weekends we've headed out early (to beat the rush), shopping list in hand, to see what bargains we could find...

As you can see above our first outing was quite successful, in that we bought a fair amount, and probably spent more on a cup of tea on the way home than we did at the sale! However, the careful observer will notice from the haphazard way everything is strewn out on the table when we returned home that we were a little shell shocked! 

Next time we knew what we were going to be in for... and so planned accordingly, even studying up on which room equipment would be in, versus clothing, books, etc. 

Even better, and despite taking the bus in the wrong direction for a couple of stops, we managed to arrive before the sale started, and were within the first 100 people to enter the sale and thus received a "goody bag", the wonderful bag above full of magazines and flyers for various products and such like.

We were on form and managed to grab up most of our "wish list" items, a baby bath insert, a changing mat, a couple of books and a pile of assorted designer clothing - so the little man has some stylish clobber already.

Just to let you all know our preparations are well under way, and all is well with us... we're really looking forward to the little one arriving, and thank you for all your support, and we look forward to introducing the little one to everyone soon.

All best wishes for now...

Cheers, Dan


  1. I say!!! Good Show!
    (is that still current vernacular? or have I been watching too many old movies?)

  2. haha... indeed... it's mostly from the movies. Dan.
