Monday, March 10, 2014

Deptford Wives

A bit about our new neighborhood.

We moved in January to an apartment in SouthEast London.  Our neighborhood is called Deptford, in the council of Lewisham, south of the river Thames.  The neighborhood is more residential then where we previously lived, which is nice, and there is a large Vietnamese population so we are really close to a good Pho shop, which makes me happy because it reminds me of Houston.  The neighborhood is quirky, but not too trendy, and we live close to: a park, pharmacy, library, doctor, grocery stores, and a McDonald's (sometimes you just need a McFlurry ;).

If anyone is thinking of visiting, Greenwich is the closest neighborhood that has hotels, and probably the nicest close place to stay.  Our apartment is tiny, but has a large garden so I am really looking forward to summer when I can sit outside and enjoy the late summer sunlight.

I will post more about the little man as he begins to come on the scene, and thanks to everyone who has stopped by the blog for a visit, I am really looking forward to keeping all my friends and family around the world up to date as we build our nest in London. xoxo Rose
House Wives Cash & Carry - Classic

Mrs. and Mr. smokestacks in Deptford

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