Sunday, June 8, 2014

Teddy is 40 days old

tiny hands, family hands
Teddy is 40-days old today.  It is really exciting.  He seems to smile, and he seems to be more aware of us as people, perhaps as his parents.

It is fascinating how much he has changed in the past month and it will be interesting to see how much more he changes over the next few days and years.  Today, after 2 unsuccessful attempts,  we managed to successfully give him a bath. I imagine eventually he will enjoy baths, I know when I was pregnant I would have a long bath every day, part of just taking time to enjoy the pregnancy.

Dan is going back to work tomorrow, and now that it is summer Teddy and Mum can go to the park and spend some time outside.  There are other babies who live close by and we are looking forward to playdates with them in the future.

Teddy at 1 month old

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