Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Baby Cull...

the hands of... EDWARD DALY CULL

Rose and Daniel are pleased to say that at St Thomas' Hospital, London, at 1.48pm on 29th April 2014 Edward Daly Cull was born.

Mother and Baby are home and doing well.

His birth stats:
 Weight at birth: 3945 grams (8 lbs, 7 oz)
Birth CH length: 56 cm (22 inches)
1 min = 9
5 min = 10

A Taurus in the year of the Horse, who shares his birthday with Willie Nelson and Duke Ellington.

1 comment:

  1. What wonderful people to share your birthday with! Not a bad start at all, little Edward. Congrats to you all! xoxo
