Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Easter Food...

This Easter we did some baking! 

We made a Simnel cake, the eleven marizpan balls represent the twelve apostles minus Judas. We made this on Mothering Sunday, as per the tradition. 

We made some lovely hot cross buns

Which were well appreciated!! 

We died some eggs, with homemade dyes. 

Instead of Easter Eggs this year we made Cornflake Chocolate Nests

... and here they are with the Simnel cake, and an Easter basket that Teddy made at a stay-and-play. 

Monday, March 21, 2016

Where the wild things are...

 We recently paid a visit to Lavender Pond, a 2.5 acre wilderness space, in our community. Not typically open to the public, they were having a wild flower planting day.

The pond... where Teddy discovered frogspawn...

...your local wilderness needs you... to plant!'s some of the amazing insect hotels...

... dig for victory...

... Ted checking out this path..

... and this path...

... and having a well earned break! 

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Going through the archives

I realized out trip to Paris was a year ago, how time flies!  I was looking through the archives of photos and found one from last year and one from this year and thought about how much Teddy has changed, and how some things have remained the same. 

Teddy in 2015

Teddy in 2016
You may note in the second picture he is doing some heavy reading, he enjoys Amy Poehler's book Yes, Please which is really funny, he has good taste in books and comedy already.