Friday, August 15, 2014


Teddy has been growing so fast, and having so many new activities and adventures that we wanted to share a few photos of him with everyone on the blog.
Bathtime fun! Teddy in his cheeky monkey towel

Teddy demonstrating his ability to hold his head up
Teddy at 3-months! Smiling and clicking his heels 
We've had visitors over the past few weeks, and it is the perfect time to visit, as Teddy is still willing to go out to the pub for dinner and will behave wonderfully. He is also not yet too heavy (at 3-months he was 15 1/2 pounds) he is still very snuggly and he loves being held and walked around.

Great Uncle Tommy and Aunt Debra, with Teddy at the Ship in Kennington

Great Aunt Mary Ann and Uncle Steve with Teddy at the Mayflower in Rotherhithe
As you can tell, pubs are very baby-friendly in London, and our little man has become quite the pub crawler, which will be even more exciting once he learns to crawl.